Author: Ric Kroll
The author
Ric Kroll is a channel for the Infinite Intelligence, and proving it in every sentence by cutting straight to the heart of the matter at the core level.
Ric shows that channeling this information is good but not good enough; it also must be practiced. He makes use of every opportunity, extracting the golden lesson and leaving the dirt. He proves his ability by getting out of the way and listening inwardly, taking pen to paper at 4,5,6 am; whenever it calls, he is there.
Completing his mission is his only goal in life, and leading by example. “If I cannot show you how it is done, it means that I never did it,” and ” If I do not have the experience on some level, how am I able to write about it?”
It is possible for anyone that believes, but it is not easy. On your own, it will take decades, if not lifetimes, to connect with the reality of the Greater Self. Its power, energy, and guidance can be accessed and utilized while you are still alive.
Ric asks, “Why do I do this? I do not do this work for the outer you; I do it for the part of you that is a part of me. The inner you THE GREATER SELF!”